C4 Group is a Category 1 NZQA Private Training Establishment and our motto is ‘Training for Resilience’. We deliver courses and programmes across the Security, First Aid, and Emergency Management sectors. Highly respected among our peers, colleagues, government organisations, industry training organisations, clients and of course, our learners, we strive to create learning environments that meet the needs of our changing and challenging world. There are no ‘off the shelf’ programmes at C4 as we only provide training solutions. If you have a need for training, we are able to provide bespoke programmes that reflect your organisation and your needs.

Why we established C4 Group
From a background of Policing and Nursing, C4 Group’s founders Chris Lawton and Kathy Wright both had a passion for teaching as it gave them the ability to support others to improve their lives. This common goal saw the birth of C4 Group in 2011 and together they have worked hard to surround themselves with a team of like-minded instructors, administrators and management who share their values and their vision. Never losing focus on the people at the core of their business – the learners – their seemingly endless energy and commitment to training sees new courses being developed on a regular basis to meet the needs of their focus industries. They both agree that it is a wonderful life when you are able to serve your community to be a better version of themselves.

Resilience is our Essence
In today’s world resilience is our greatest ally – whether it be identifying and responding to risk, or gaining new skills that can support our families, whanau and communities. C4 has built our programmes around developing resilience and empowering people with the ability to adapt to the challenges that life brings. C4 empowers resilient community development by providing tools to advance careers and to prepare confident individuals who can respond to challenging and complex situations. We provide the tools to grow well-trained, capable and confident communities who have the knowledge and skills to deal with the challenges of today.

Our C4 Heart
With dedication and care that goes over and above, what we aim to achieve goes beyond our four walls and is greater than ourselves. We believe in building knowledgeable, confident, and capable communities and aim to provide supportive, fun and successful learning experiences for all. From our administration team and course instructors right through to senior management, we are committed to building a learner-centric organisation that puts learning and the learner at the heart of all we do. It’s the core of our business, our C4 Heart.
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
Te Aupouri wāhine rangatira (female chief) Meri Ngaroto in the early 19th century.

Our Commitment to you the learner
C4’s number one goal is for you to be successful and to achieve this in the most supportive way we can. To meet this goal we work hard to ensure that every part of your journey is seamless – from the booking process through to the training and on to what happens once the training is finished. As a registered NZQA Private Training Establishment we adhere to the codes and practice required by NZQA to maintain the highest standards. This is why we have maintained our Category 1 status for the last 8 years putting us in the top 5% of NZQA training providers across the country. If you want to know more about our support for learners check out our two most recent NZQA External Evaluation Reviews as well as our Code of Practice internal review.
Read our 2024 Domestic Code Self-Review here
Read our 2023 Domestic Code Self-Review here.
Read our 2021 NZQA External Evaluation Report here.
Read our 2017 NZQA External Evaluation Report here.